Case R6: Humanoid Robot Programming

  • Medium – Advanced
Target Level
  • P4 – P6

To experience, build and program the humanoid robot which provide the best human-alike movement. Students will learn about the coding environment, concepts in programming from sequence and condition, to variable and functions. They will also learn how to control the Robot via familiar programming interface as well as a variety of sensors to be added on top.

The school will organise a series of robot workshops to students which provide concrete, contextualized lessons that seamlessly integrate grade-level mathematics and programming activities for students. The workshops will provide robots and microcontroller for students to design, build, program, manage and drive their robots. Students can control their robots to walk, turn, move, tilt, etc., and accomplish the tasks by programming the robots. Students will be able to add their own designs of 3D printed parts on top of the robot.

  • Programmable robotics
  • Sensors
  • Tablet / Laptop / PC with Internet connection
  • Common programming languages like Scratch / Python
Cloud Services
  • N/A
Major Activities
  1. Theoretical session covering:
    1. Basic introduction to Robot
    2. Basic introduction to the programming language
    3. Basic introduction to bones and muscles
    4. Basic introduction to direction and electronic compass
  2. Practical session covering:
    1. Understanding variables
    2. Understanding if statements
    3. Programming Robot to react based on random numbers
    4. Programming Robot to walk around and hit the ball into the hole
  3. Share the challenges and lesson learnt
Learning Objective(s)
  • Understand the coding environment and basic programming concepts (variables and if statements)
  • How to control Robot through programming
  • Enhance students’ computational thinking skills
  • Enhance students’ ability to apply the information technology knowledge and skills they have learned
  • Cultivate students’ innovative ability
  • Theoretical session: 3 hours
  • Practical sessions: 7 hours
Target No. of Students
  • About 10 - 15 students per workshop