Case O5: Visual Pattern Recognition

  • Advanced
Target Level
  • P3 – P6

To program a micro-processor to recognize a visual pattern.

“Visual Patten Recognition” begins with making pattern using LED matrix, in which students connect components (LEDs, switches, variable resistors, etc.) to form series / parallel circuit, so that each LED can be switched on / off independently and glows with the same brightness as others.

To “see” the pattern, students need to make an eyeball with lens and retina, which are plastic convex lens and light dependent resistors (LDR) respectively. The lens should be able to focus light onto the LDRs, and as such their resistance should drop in response to illumination.

Finally, the leads of the LDRs are the optical nerves going to the brain for signal processing, equivalent to making connections with the input pins of a micro-processor, which is then programmed to learn and recognize visual patterns.

  • 3 x 3 LED matrix
  • Lens
  • 3 x 3 LDR
  • Micro-processor
  • Tablet / Laptop / PC with Internet connection
  • Common programming languages like MakeCode Block / Scratch / Python
Cloud Services
  • N/A
Major Activities
  1. Theoretical session covering:
    1. Introduction of LED matrix and the related components
    2. Introduction of the image formation by lens
    3. Explain anatomy of eyeball and mechanism of vision
    4. Practical session covering:
      • Make pattern with LED matrix
      • Program the micro-processor.
    5. Student School-based / Project-based Learning convering:
      • Collaboration with VR & MR industry
      • VR Creator/ Maker Contest
  2. Competition event
Learning Objective(s)
  • To program a machine capable of learning (AI)
  • To handle electrical components such as LED, LDR, resistor, etc.
  • To form real image using convex lens
  • To understand anatomy of eyeball and mechanism of vision
  • To solve problem in modular approach
  • Theoretical sessions: 15 hours
  • Practical sessions: 10 hours
  • Competition event: 5 hours
Target No. of Students
  • About 10 – 20 students per workshop