Experience AI learning by Image Recognition Kit
To help students experience how AI can be applied to image recognition by assembling a DIY vision accessory kit as an intelligent camera that can see and recognise objects using machine learning.
The school will provide a set of vision kit to a group of students, around 3 - 4 students per each group. Each group will build a vision recognition device by connecting the microcontroller, intelligent vision board, camera, flex cable, push button and cardboard together. By executing the built-in AI program provided, student can experience various vision recognition function such as Joy Detection, Face Detection, Object Detection, Disk Classification, Image Classification. Further, students can study and learn the sample code inside, try to modify the program and re-train the model and output the recognition result to IoT device.
Hardware |
Software |
Cloud Services |
Major Activities | A workshop on DIY vision recognition kit. The school will provide the necessary hardware, software and required tools.
Learning Objective(s) |
Duration |
Difficulty |
Target Level | S4 - S6 |
Target No. of Students | Around 3 – 4 students per one vision kit |