Mobile App Coding (mobile phone work with a group of external IoT devices)

To extend mobile application development with a group of external IoT devices and IoT PaaS.

The school will organise a series of basic cloud-based IoT solution design and mobile application coding workshops to students. The workshops include theoretical session conducted in a classroom, including introducing some common IoT device sensors, their sensing capabilities and some popular IoT Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for supporting to work as a whole. Students use same type of sensors to detect a large coverage for the same data nature, or heterogeneous types of sensors for an integrated monitoring setup, such as smart home applications to understand the principles, practicalities and constraints of IoT uses in our everyday life.

  • Smartphone
  • IoT kits included sensors such as motion detection, gas, temperature, humidity, gyroscope, accelerometer etc.
  • PC / laptop / tablet computer with Internet connection
  • Mobile App IDEs and frameworks like Xcode, Android Studio
  • app simulator
Cloud Services
  • IoT service platform
Major Activities
  1. Theoretical session covering:
    1. Common IoT sensors and their capabilities
    2. IoT signal processing mechanism and limitations
    3. IoT PaaS connection, charging basis and privacy concern
  2. Practical sessions covering:
    1. Connect up the IoT devices and calibrate
    2. Subscribe to a PaaS provider for data collection, analysis
    3. Write a simple visualization App
Learning Objective(s)
  • Enhance students' computational thinking skills, through mobile app coding design, testing, debugging and tuning for specific IoT environment and configuration
  • Appreciate how a PaaS help simplify the tasks of real-time analysis and interpretation of massive data in a meaningful and insightful manner
  • Basic session
    • Theoretical session : 6 hours
    • Practical sessions : 8 hours x 2
  • Moderate level session : depending on the complexity
  • Medium
Target Level
  • Basic session : S1 - S2
  • Moderate level session : S3 – S4
Target No. of Students About 20 students per workshop