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中學資訊科技增潤計劃啟動典禮 2015.11.07



  1. 資訊科技增潤班 — 八間伙伴學校會為對資訊科技感興趣及具才華的學生(由中二至中六)提供深入的資訊科技培訓。
  2. 資訊科技增潤活動 — 每年舉辦資訊科技活動,以便在校園營造崇尚資訊科技的氛圍,並激發學生對資訊科技的興趣。





Mr. John Tsang Chun-wah, GBM, JP, Financial Secretary, arrived at Kick-off Ceremony of Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools
Mr. John Tsang Chun-wah, GBM, JP, Financial Secretary, delivered speech at Kick-off Ceremony of Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools


Dr. Catherine Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education of Education Bureau presented certificate of Enriched IT Class to Mr. Poon Shing-kai, Principal of Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School
Dr. Catherine Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education of Education Bureau presented certificate of Enriched IT Class to Mr. Kwong Wing-sun, Principal of Christian Alliance SW Chan Memorial College
Dr. Catherine Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education of Education Bureau presented certificate of Enriched IT Class to Mr. Wong Wing-tung, Principal of Pak Kau College
Dr. Catherine Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education of Education Bureau presented certificate of Enriched IT Class to Mr. Tam Yat-yuk, Principal of Pui Ching Middle School
Dr. Catherine Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education of Education Bureau presented certificate of Enriched IT Class to Mr. Kai Sze-fai Alex, Principal of Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College
Dr. Catherine Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education of Education Bureau presented certificate of Enriched IT Class to Sr. Margaret Wong, Principal of St. Paul's Convent School
Dr. Catherine Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education of Education Bureau presented certificate of Enriched IT Class to Mr. Chan Wing-kit, Principal of The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
Dr. Catherine Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education of Education Bureau presented certificate of Enriched IT Class to Ms. Wong Wai-yee, Vice Principal of Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
Certificates of Enriched IT Class


Guests witnessed the Swear-in ceremony
IT Class Students pledged at the kick-off ceremony of Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools
IT Class Students pledged at the Kick-off Ceremony of Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools
IT Class Students pledged at the kick-off ceremony of Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools
Swear in ceremony was completed successfully


Group Photo taken by Guests and Principals of Partner Schools
Group Photo taken by Guests, Principals of Partner Schools and Steering Committee Members
Group Photo taken by Guests and Enriched IT Class Students
Mr. John Tsang Chun-wah, GBM, JP, Financial Secretary, Ir. Allen Yeung, Government Chief Information Officer, and Mr. Nicholas W Yang, the Advisor to the Chief Executive on Innovation and Technology, taken photo with other guests and students at the Kick-off Ceremony
Mr. John Tsang Chun-wah, GBM, JP, Financial Secretary, Ir. Allen Yeung, Government Chief Information Officer, and Mr. Nicholas W Yang, the Advisor to the Chief Executive on Innovation and Technology, taken photo with other guests and students at the Kick-off Ceremony
Group Photo of Guests, Principals of Partner Schools and Enriched IT Class Students
Group Photo of Guests, Principals of Partner Schools and Enriched IT Class Students

互動討論環節 - 「如何培育資訊科技精英新世代」

Interactive discussion session
Ir. Allen Yeung, Government Chief Information Officer, hosted an interactive discussion session on how to cultivate the new generation of IT talents
Prof. Wong Kam-fai and Mr. Gabriel Pang expressed their opinions in the interactive discussion session
Student raised questions in the interactive discussion session
Student raised questions in the interactive discussion session
Parent participated in the interactive discussion session


Group Photo of Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School
Group Photo of Christian Alliance SW Chan Memorial College
Group Photo of Pak Kau College
Group Photo of Pui Ching Middle School
Group Photo of Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College
Group Photo of St. Paul's Convent School
Group Photo of The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
Group Photo of Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
Group Photo of OGCIO’s Crew