Use robot kit to learn programming
(使用机械人套件学习编程) | EITP

1. Introduction of robot kit (机械人套件简介)

Course content (课程内容)

  • Introduction of robot kit (机械人套件简介)
  • Build up steps (组装时需要注意的项目)
  • Power supply (电源供应介绍)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

2. How to download and install mBlock (如何下载及安装mBlock编程软件)

Course content (课程内容)

  • How to download and install mBlock (如何下载及安装mBlock编程软件)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

3. Basic operation with mBot (mBot基本操作

Course content (课程内容)

  • Basic operation with mBot (基本操作)
  • How to upgrade firmware (如何进行Firmware更新)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

4. Reset default program (还原默认程序)

Course content (课程内容)

  • Reset default program (还原默认程序)
  • Remote control (摇控器的应用方法)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

5. RGB LED control mBot (mBot全彩灯控制技巧)

Course content (课程内容)

  • RGB LED control mBot (mBot 全彩灯控制技巧)
  • Control statements - Sequence program (学习程控语法 - 序列程序)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

6. Control statements (学习程控语法)

Course content (课程内容)

  • Control statements - Looping  (学习程控语法 - 循环)
  • Control statements - conditional (学习程控语法 - 条件式)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

7. Conditional statements (运用条件式语法)

Course content (课程内容)

  • Light detection (亮度感测)
  • Conditional statements (运用条件式语法)
  • Automated operation (自动化操作)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

8. Ultrasonic sensor and smart fan (超声波传感器和智能风扇)

Course content (课程内容)

  • Ultrasonic sensor (超声波传感器)
  • Basic smart fan (基础版智能风扇)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

9. Advanced smart fan and rotate speed calculation (进阶版智能风扇和转速计算)

Course content (课程内容)

  • Advanced smart fan (进阶版智能风扇)
  • Rotate speed calculation (转速计算)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

10. Introduction of wireless module (无线模块简介)

Course content (课程内容)

  • Introduction of wireless module (无线模块简介)
  • Event driven programming (事件驱动编程技巧)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)

11. Variable and speed adjustment (变量的应用和速度调整)

Course content (课程内容)

  • Variable (变量的应用)
  • Speed adjustment (速度调整)

Please see the following video for more information (请观看以下录像以获取更多资料)