(Android Studio 的基礎介紹)
1. Introduction of Android Studio (編程環境簡介)
Course content (課程內容)
- Introduction of Android Studio (編程環境簡介)
- File structure (流動程式的檔案結構)
Please see the following video for more information (請觀看以下錄像以獲取更多資料)
2. GUI design and layout control (圖形介面設計和排位控制)
Course content (課程內容)
- GUI design (圖形介面設計)
- Layout control (排位控制)
Please see the following video for more information (請觀看以下錄像以獲取更多資料)
3. Using function, events and variables (使用 “Function” 功能, 事件控制 和變數的應用)
Course content (課程內容)
- Function (使用 “Function” 功能簡化程式編寫)
- Button OnClick events (按鈕事件控制)
- Variables (變數的應用)
Please see the following video for more information (請觀看以下錄像以獲取更多資料)
4. Array (陣列的應用)
Course content (課程內容)
- Array 陣列的應用
Please see the following video for more information (請觀看以下錄像以獲取更多資料)
5. Conditional statement (條件式的應用)
Course content (課程內容)
- Conditional statement (條件式的應用)
- Multi dimensional array (多維陣列的處理)
Please see the following video for more information (請觀看以下錄像以獲取更多資料)
6. User interaction (與用戶互動)
Course content (課程內容)
- User interaction (與用戶互動)
- Result calculation (成續計劃程式)
Please see the following video for more information (請觀看以下錄像以獲取更多資料)
7. Toast (提示訊息)
Course content (課程內容)
- Toast (提示訊息)
- Deploy apk to mobile devices (傳送apk檔案到裝置上測試)
Please see the following video for more information (請觀看以下錄像以獲取更多資料)