Home > Showcase > “Enriched IT Programme” Partner School students crowned Champion in the “2019 Smart City Business Plan Competition” (with photos)
“Enriched IT Programme” Partner School students crowned Champion in the “2019 Smart City Business Plan Competition” (with photos)

Enriched IT Class S5 students Madeline Leung and Moreen Ho and Business Studies S5 students Popo Fung and Summa Wong of St. Paul’s Convent School were crowned Champion and won the Best Creativity Award in the “2019 Smart City Business Plan Competition” with their winning proposal “Smart Fine”.

“Smart Fine” is an innovative idea which taps into the public’s ID & big data stored into a central system. With the use of mobile devices, law enforcement officers are able to detect specific offenses and arrest people who committed them, while repeated offenders will be charged more. Instant fines can be levied by the law enforcement officers anytime and anywhere. The offenders can use their mobile phone to pay the discounted fine with different methods (such as Alipay, WeChat pay, credit card, etc.), while no concession will be provided if the offenders choose the traditional payment method. The idea of “Smart Fine” is to encourage the offender to pay the fine immediately using a concession as incentive. It is convenient and helps to boost efficiency, while eliminating unnecessary administrative costs, reducing the number of fixed penalty in arrears, and ultimately turning Hong Kong into a smart & safe city.

This year's competition is followed by a good response from secondary students, a total of 31 teams with 122 participants have submitted their proposals. Mr Brian Sun, Senior Systems Manager (Industry Development) of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), Mr Wesley Wong, Senior Manager of the Partnership Programme, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Dr Raymond Wong, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programmes) and Associate Professor of Department of Accountancy, College of Business and Prof Choon Ling Sia, Head and Professor of Department of Information Systems, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong were invited to be the honourable judges of the competition.

(from left to right : Dr Raymond Wong, Mr Wesley Wong, Mr Brian Sun and Prof Choon Ling Sia)

“2019 Smart City Business Plan Competition” was organised by Department of Information Systems, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong and supported by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and a number of corporations. It aims to enhance students’ awareness of the Smart City Blueprint and equip students with knowledge and skills of applying innovative technologies for Hong Kong Smart City challenges.