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Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen (with photos)

Under the arrangement of the Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools, 55 Secondary Three students of the Enriched IT Class visited the Huawei Campus in Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen on 21 Jan 2017. The event included a visit to the Huawei Enterprise BG Exhibition Hall and a sharing session on cloud computing and big data.

During the visit, students learned about the development history of Huawei Enterprise, Huawei’s solutions on network technology and the principles of Huawei's cloud technology. In the sharing session, the speaker introduced the concepts of cloud computing and big data by interacting with students, so that they can think about the future development trends of big data.

This event deepened students' knowledge of the operation of large enterprises and broadened their horizons in information technology, enabling them to have a clearer direction in future career planning.

Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen   Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen

Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen   Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen

Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen   Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen

Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen   Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen

Visit to Huawei Campus in Shenzhen