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Pedosa Glass Won Several Awards (with photos)

Pedosa Glass Won Several Awards

Pedosa Glass Won Several Awards

S2 IT Class student Jordan Fung at Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School invented his very own smart glasses named Pedosa Glass using some very common electronic components. Pedosa Glass is an affordable, open source and 3D printed smart glasses wearable. Pedosa Glass can take care of all of your daily life - from phone notifications, instant weather information, to your heart rate BPM and a number of other utilities - all in front of your eye by displaying them on the FLCOS display.

To fully utilise those abilities of the Pedosa Glass, Jordan developed the Pedosa OS which has a straightforward and user-friendly interface. By pressing the 4 buttons on the side, one can easily navigate through the system.

Pedosa Glass Won Several Awards

Pedosa Glass Won Several Awards

One of the best feature is the Health Dashboard. In just one screen, one can have access to all the information that he or she needs for daily use, including Phone Notifications, Weather, Heart Rate, Timer and activate the Flashlight by just a click. It is especially useful for people who love to play sports which they can't swipe on their phones or smart watches.

Jordan also developed a companion mobile app which connects to the Pedosa Glass through a Bluetooth Connection. It enables the Pedosa Glass to get information from the Internet and thus enhances the abilities of the Pedosa Glass.

With its stylish 3D printed casing to protect the electronics, the Pedosa Glass consists of two parts: the main body and the display. The main body is where the buttons and electronics are located. The display is an FLCOS display which receives and display the black and white video signal from the microcontroller.

The Pedosa Glass is a DIY maker project using open source. Compared to the other proprietary smart wearables, anyone can create his or her Pedosa Glass by modifying the software and hardware.

Pedosa Glass has won the following awards and received praises from Adafruit, htxt.africa, 雷鋒網, Atmel, 極客視界

  • First Prize in the Instructables Wearables Tech Contest
  • Maker of Merit at Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015
  • Silver Award in HKICT Award 2016 Best Student Invention Award Secondary (Junior) School Category.

Pedosa Glass Won Several Awards

Pedosa Glass Won Several Awards

Pedosa Glass Won Several Awards

Pedosa Glass Won Several Awards