Enriched IT Class
School Logo
Tin Ka Ping Secondary School

Through the Enriched IT Programme, Tin Ka Ping Secondary School hopes to nurture students to become future IT industry leaders, to lead and serve in different IT sectors as programmers, system analysts and designers, IT architects and engineers, IT security specialists and auditors, innovators and technology entrepreneurs, etc. The Enriched IT Class curriculum developed by the school includes creative movies, aerial photography, mobile applications, robotics, 3D modelling, 3D printing, programming and smart home technologies, etc. Relevant training will be provided by specialised teachers and tutors from universities, professional bodies and the industry. The curriculum will provide students with training that can better cater for the actual needs of the community, while internships and industrial visits can provide students with exposures to the real-life business environment. In addition, the school will organise IT activities which can foster a pro-IT atmosphere within the school as well as in the North District.

School website: http://www.tkpss.edu.hk/

 Enriched IT Class
Creative Thinking
Mobile Apps
Digital Games
Robotics Foundation
Problem Solving & Programming
Robotics & Sensors
3D Modeling & Augmented Reality
3D and Robot Design
Software Development & Technology Appreciation 1
Software Development & Technology Appreciation 2
No. of S2 IT Class Student
No. of S3 IT Class Student
No. of S4 IT Class Student
No. of S5 IT Class Student


School Photos

  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  • Tin Ka Ping Secondary School