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“Enriched IT Programme” Partner School student won Certificate of Merit in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019 Student Innovation Award (Secondary School) (with photo)

Enriched IT Class student of Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School won the Certificate of Merit in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019 Student Innovation Award (Secondary School).

Awardees include (Secondary School) :
Certificate of Merit - Wong Yiu-fung, his entry titled “BackUp”.

Description of the entry :

“BackUp” is a monitoring device designed for people who may have spinal health problems. According to statistics, around 6% of the population suffer from spinal health problems. It is further noted that around 50% of children have a high risk to suffer from these problems. The entry proposes to build up an array of sensors embedded inside the clothes to monitor the body posture and warn the users that their gesture may cause spinal health problems at appropriate time. The awardees hope that this device could be able to remind users to have a correct body posture.

The Hong Kong ICT Awards is steered by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, and organised by Hong Kong ICT industry associations and professional bodies, the Awards aims at recognising and promoting outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong Kong's ICT talents and enterprises in their constant pursuit of creative and better solutions to meet business and social needs. There are eight categories under the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019. Among them, the Student Innovation Award aims to nurture local students in using their creativity to develop and apply innovative technology for the betterment of our community.