Category: 3D Modeling & Augmented Reality (三維模型及擴增實境)

3D Scanning equipment (3D Scanning 設備)


1. Kinect sensor (Xbox 360 version) (3D Portrait scan hardware (3D 人像掃瞄硬件)

2. Skanect (3D Portrait scan software (3D 人像掃瞄軟件))

3. MeshLab (Post-production, such as reducing the number of Mesh and segmentation scan obtained by the three-dimensional independent obj and texture files (後期製作,例如減少由獨立的立體 obj 及 texture 檔案所產生的 Mesh 的數量及分割掃瞄))


Use Unity to make VR or AR APP's basic settings (使用 Unity 製作 VR 或 AR APP 的基本設置)


1. Go to and to download Unity and Android SDK and make basic settings
    (到 https://unity3d.com 下載 Unity 及 Android SDK 及進行基本設置)

2. Go to to create an account. After create an account, go to Develop -> License Manager -> Add License Manager (as showed in the picture below)
   (到 建立帳戶,建立帳戶後,到 Develop -> License Manager -> Add License Manager (如圖示)

3. Follow the instructions to create a License Key (按指示建立後便可取得 License Key)

4. Download the Vuforia SDK at (到 下載 Vuforia SDK)

5. Open UNITY and create Project, import the above SDK (Assets -> import Package -> Custom Package -> select the downloaded step 4 of the SDK).
    (開啟 UNITY 及建立Project,匯入以上 SDK (Assets -> import Package -> Custom Package -> 選上步驟4的下載的 SDK))

6. At lower left corner Asset -> Prefabs -> ARCamera drag to the left, press ARCamera (left), and copy the License Key of Step 3 to the App License Key in this Inspector.
    (左下角 Asset -> Prefabs -> ARCamera 拖曳至左方,按下 ARCamera (左方),並複製步驟3的 License Key 到此物件 Inspector 中的 App License Key 中)

Step 6.1 (步驟6.1)

Step 6.2 (步驟6.2)


Create Augmented Reality (製作 Augmented Reality)


1. Select Develop -> Target Manger at (到 選取 Develop->Target Manger)

2. Add Database, Add Target (recommended jpeg file) (Add Database 後,Add Target (建議 jpeg 檔))

Image template download (圖像範本下載 (Stone)):

3. Pressing Download Database (Unity Editor) will automatically import to Unity (按下 Download Database(Unity Editor) 便會自動匯入至 Unity)

4. At lower left Asset -> Prefabs -> Image Target drag to the left, press Image Target. At the right Inspector Select Database (Target name)
   (左下角 Asset ->Prefabs ->Image Target 拖曳至左方,按下 Image Target (左方),到右方 Inspector 選取 Database(Target 名字))

5. Press ARCamera (left) and select the right Inspector (按下 ARCamera (左方),右方 Inspector 選取)

6. Left right key -> 3D Object -> Cube, created and dragged into the image Target's child (左方右鍵 -> 3D Object -> Cube,建立後拖曳為 Image Target 的 child 中)

7. Left ARCamera, select World Center Mode for Camera (左方 ARCamera,選取 World Center Mode為 Camera)

8. Export (File -> Build and Run) Unity Project for the Android phone. In Player Setting, fill in Company Name and Product Name, and in the Identification -> Bundle fill just the Company Name and Product Name.
    (匯出 (File->Build and Run) Unity Project 為 Android 手機,Player Setting 中填上 Company Name 及 Product Name,並於 Identification -> Bundle 填上剛剛的 Company Name 及 Product Name)